get out of one's hair

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Get out of one's hair" is an idiomatic expression that means to stop bothering someone or to leave someone alone to attend to their own business without interference.
✍️ یک اصطلاح عامیانه به معنی دست از اذیت کردن کسی برداشتن یا کسی را تنها گذاشتن است تا به کارهای خودش بپردازد بدون اینکه مزاحمتی ایجاد شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️✍️دادن فضای مستقل به کسی یا احترام گذاشتن به نیاز او برای استقلال است
Leave someone alone
Stop bothering
Let be
Give someone space
Can you please get out of my hair? I need some quiet time to finish this project.
He finally got out of her hair after she asked him for some alone time.
Parents should sometimes get out of their children's hair to let them learn and grow independently.

دست از سر کسی برداشتن
مزاحمش نشدن
راحتش گذاشتن
to keep away from someone in order to avoid trouble or to avoid annoying them
