get on with it

پیشنهاد کاربران

Carry on
Keep going
Move forward
The team needs to get on with it if they want to meet the deadline.
After the brief interruption, she quickly got on with it and finished the project.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Despite the challenges, he decided to get on with his studies and graduate on time.

- دست به کار شو
stop wasting time and do what you should be doing
Life has its ups and downs and i think the best thing to do is accept that and get on with it !
شروع یا ادامه دادن کاری
یالا دیگه زود باش
برو سر اصل مطلب
یالا زود باش

عجله کن
باهاش کنار بیا
( حین حرف زدن ) جان بکن
کارت رو شروع کن، کارت رو ادامه بده
کاری که شروع کردی ادمه اش بده، کارت رو شروع کن
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٤)
