get on top of someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

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Literal Meaning: The literal interpretation of "get on top of someone" could imply physically sitting or being positioned on top of another person.
معنای تحت اللفظی: تعبیر تحت اللفظی "get on top of someone" می تواند به معنای نشستن فیزیکی یا قرار گرفتن در بالای فرد دیگر باشد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The children love to play games where they pretend to get on top of each other in a friendly wrestling match.
During the team - building exercise, participants were instructed to get on top of their partners to build trust and cooperation.
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Figurative Meaning: In a figurative sense, "get on top of someone" can mean that a difficult situation or emotional burden becomes overwhelming for an individual, making it challenging to cope with or manage effectively.
معنای مجازی: در معنای مجازی، "get on top of someone" می تواند به این معنی باشد که یک موقعیت دشوار یا بار عاطفی برای یک فرد طاقت فرسا می شود و مقابله با یا مدیریت موثر آن را چالش برانگیز می کند.
With all the deadlines approaching at work, I feel like the workload is starting to get on top of me.
After the loss of her pet, the grief seemed to get on top of her, making it hard for her to focus on daily tasks.

