get caught in sth

پیشنهاد کاربران

گرفتار شدن در
اسیر شدن در
گیر افتادن/گیر کردن در
▪️Get caught in Sth
be/get caught in/without etc something
to be in a situation that you cannot easily get out of or in which you do not have something you need
👈🏿 We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿 I can recall a time when I missed an important meeting with a client due to unforeseen circumstances. The meeting was scheduled for 10 a. m. at a downtown office, and I was responsible for presenting a proposal for a new project to the client
Unfortunately, I had been experiencing car trouble the night before, and my car wouldn’t start in the morning. I had to take a taxi to the meeting, but the traffic was heavier than usual, and the ⭐taxi got caught in a major traffic jam⭐ on the way
Despite my best efforts to arrive on time, I ended up being almost 30 minutes late for the meeting. By the time I arrived, the client was visibly annoyed and frustrated. They had other appointments scheduled for later in the day and couldn’t afford to wait around for me
