geo haz

پیشنهاد کاربران

This refers to any natural or human - induced event or phenomenon that poses a threat to human life, property, or the environment. “Geo Haz” is a slang term used in geography to refer to geographic hazards.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به هر رویداد یا پدیده طبیعی یا ناشی از انسان ( انسان ساز ) اشاره دارد که تهدیدی برای جان، اموال یا محیط زیست انسان باشد. "Geo Haz" یک اصطلاح عامیانه است که در جغرافیا برای اشاره به خطرات جغرافیایی استفاده می شود.
For example, a geologist might say, “I’m studying the geo haz of earthquakes in this region. ”
In a discussion about disaster preparedness, someone might ask, “What are the most common geo haz in this area?”
A geography teacher might educate students about the impact of geo haz and how to mitigate their effects.

