geo econ

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to the study of how geography and spatial relationships impact economic activities and patterns. It examines how factors such as location, resources, and transportation networks influence economic development.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مطالعه چگونگی تأثیر جغرافیا و روابط فضایی بر فعالیت ها و الگوهای اقتصادی. این مطالعه بررسی می کند که چگونه عواملی مانند مکان، منابع و شبکه های حمل و نقل بر توسعه اقتصادی تأثیر می گذارد.
For example, a discussion about the impact of climate change on agriculture might include the statement, “Geo Econ research shows that rising temperatures can lead to decreased crop yields. ”
A student studying urban planning might say, “Understanding Geo Econ is crucial for creating sustainable cities. ”
A news article might discuss, “The Geo Econ of globalization and its effects on income inequality. ”

