gender critical

پیشنهاد کاربران

adjective ( also gender critical )
believing that sex is a fact of biology that cannot be changed, and doubting the idea of gender identity ( = a person's
feeling of being male, female, or another identity, especially when this is different from the sex they were said to have at birth )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Certainly! Gender - critical refers to the belief that gender is a biological reality that cannot be changed and involves skepticism about the concept of gender identity. Some gender - critical feminists argue that trans women should not be included in certain spaces designated for women. This perspective is considered a conservative philosophical view within discussions around gender equality.
صفت/ جنسیت انتقادی به این باور اشاره دارد که جنسیت یک واقعیت بیولوژیکی است که قابل تغییر نیست و شامل شک و تردید نسبت به مفهوم هویت جنسیتی است. برخی از فمینیست های منتقد جنسیت استدلال می کنند که زنان ترنس نباید در مکان های خاصی که برای زنان تعیین شده است قرار بگیرند. این دیدگاه یک دیدگاه فلسفی محافظه کارانه در بحث های پیرامون برابری جنسیتی تلقی می شود.
Gender - critical feminists believe it is legitimate to exclude trans women from some women - only spaces.
She rejected the suggestion that her gender - critical views were transphobic and bigoted.

