geeze bag

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• (slang) old person

پیشنهاد کاربران

Geeze Bag is an informal or slang term often used to describe someone who is annoying, frustrating, or overly talkative. It does not have a precise translation in many languages, but it carries a sense of irritation or exasperation towards the person being described.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️ اصطلاحی محاوره ای که اغلب برای توصیف کسی که آزاردهنده، ناامیدکننده، یا بسیار پرحرف است، استفاده می شود. این اصطلاح معادل دقیقی در بسیاری از زبان ها ندارد، اما حس تحریک یا ناامیدی نسبت به فرد توصیف شده را منتقل می کند.
Nuisance: a person, thing, or situation causing inconvenience or annoyance
Annoyance: someone who causes irritation
Chatterbox: a person who talks a lot, often annoyingly
That guy is such a geeze bag, always going on about his complaints.
She became known as the office geeze bag because of her constant nagging.
Every time he speaks, he comes off like a total geeze bag

( slang ) old person
