geek out

پیشنهاد کاربران

To “geek out” means to enthusiastically discuss or engage in a particular topic, often related to popular culture or a specific interest. It implies a deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بحث و گفتگو کردن یا درگیر شدن مشتاقانه در یک موضوع خاص که اغلب مربوط به فرهنگ عامه یا علاقه خاصی است.
این حاکی از دانش و اشتیاق عمیق به یک موضوع است.
For example, a group of friends might geek out over the latest superhero movie, analyzing every detail and sharing their favorite moments.
A person might say, “I totally geeked out when I met my favorite author at a book signing. ”
Fans might geek out over meeting their favorite celebrities or attending conventions related to their interests.

to behave in a very enthusiastic way about something that you are interested in and know a lot about but that other people might find boring
علاقه و کنجکاوی نشان دادن به موضوعی خاص.
