
پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is used to describe the growth and development of muscles through exercise and weightlifting. It is often used in fitness and bodybuilding communities to celebrate progress and results.
رشد و تکامل عضلات از طریق ورزش و وزنه برداری.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب در محیط های تناسب اندام و بدنسازی برای جشن گرفتن پیشرفت و نتایج استفاده می شود.
Just finished a killer workout, time to make some gainz!
A person might say, “I’ve been hitting the gym hard and seeing some serious gainz. ”
Another might post a progress photo with the caption, “Two months of hard work and dedication, and the gainz are starting to show!”

