gun shy

ترسیده (از صدای تیر)، اسلحه ترس، ترسو و مظنون (به واسطه ی تجربه ی بد)، مار گزیده (که از ریسمان می ترسد)، ترسنده ازصدای تفنگ درگفتگوی ازتوله شکاری، ترسنده از صدای تفنگ، ترسو، بی تجربه

بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
(1) تعریف: easily frightened by the sound of gunfire, as a dog.

(2) تعریف: very wary or reluctant, usu. because of previous bad experiences.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• frightened of a gun, frightened by the sound of a gun being fired; distrustful, wary, hesitant

پیشنهاد کاربران

adjective ( also gunshy )
Not doing something immediately or quickly, usually after something bad happens, because you are nervous or not certain that it will happen again
انجام ندادن کاری فوراً یا سریع، معمولاً بعد از یک اتفاق بد، زیرا عصبی هستید یا مطمئن نیستید که آیا دوباره اتفاق خواهد افتاد. مار گزیده ( در معنای مجازی آن ) .
[مشاهده متن کامل]

After the crash, investors were gun - shy about putting their money into the stock market.
After falling and breaking his ankle while skiing, he has been understandably gunshy to get back on the slopes.
After her last relationship ended the way it did, I don't blame her for being gun - shy about dating again.
I need to buy a new car, but I am admittedly gun - shy after my last one broke down so quickly.

