
پیشنهاد کاربران

To make something more futuristic or in line with the technology and trends of the future. It often involves incorporating new technologies or design elements into existing systems or products.
ساختن چیزی فوق پیشرفته یا مطابق با فناوری و روندهای آینده.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب شامل ترکیب فناوری های جدید یا عناصر طراحی در سیستم ها یا محصولات موجود است.
The company plans to futurize their manufacturing process by implementing robotics and automation.
In a discussion about urban planning, someone might suggest, “We need to futurize our cities by incorporating smart infrastructure and sustainable technologies. ”
A person might comment, “I’m excited to see how industries like fashion and architecture futurize their designs to reflect the changing times. ”
