
پیشنهاد کاربران

A slang term used to describe something that is both fantastic and futuristic. It implies a sense of awe and excitement towards innovative and advanced technologies or concepts.
اصطلاح عامیانه
توصیف چیزی که هم خارق العاده و هم مربوط به اینده است
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این حاکی از احساس حیرت و هیجان نسبت به فناوری ها یا مفاهیم نوآورانه و پیشرفته است.
That new virtual reality game is futuriffic! It feels like stepping into another world.
A user might comment, “I just got a futuriffic smartwatch that can track my heart rate and play music. ”
Another might say, “The futuriffic design of this car makes it look like it’s straight out of a sci - fi movie. ”
