fridge worthy

پیشنهاد کاربران

The term “fridge worthy” typically refers to something that is deemed good enough or significant enough to be displayed on one’s refrigerator. This could be a child’s drawing, an excellent grade, or any other achievement that someone might want to showcase. In a more modern context, it’s also used to describe social media content that is considered unique, interesting, or particularly engaging1. For example, a brand might create a post that is so clever or popular that it’s deemed “fridge worthy” by its audience, meaning it’s worthy of recognition and display, just like a prized artwork on a fridge door
[مشاهده متن کامل]

. کاری که شایسته نمایش دادنه - کارنامه مدرسه خوب - نمره امتحان خوب - نقاشی قشنگ -
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