force someone's hand

پیشنهاد کاربران

The expression “force someone’s hand” means to compel someone to act or speak prematurely or against their will. It often implies making someone take action sooner than they had intended.
وادار کردن کسی پیش از موعد یا برخلاف میل خودش به اقدام به عمل یا صحبت کردن. این اغلب به معنای وادار کردن کسی است که زودتر از آنچه در نظر داشت، اقدام کند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

وادار کردن کسی به کاری که نمی خواهد انجام دهد یا زودتر از آنچه در نظر داشت عمل کردن
I wanted to wait three months before I told my boss I was pregnant, but my morning sickness forced my hand, and I had to explain why I was always late.
When our neighbors all bought iPads for their children, it forced our hands to do the same.
“I hate to have to force your hand, but if you don’t sign the contract by tomorrow, we can’t promise we’ll be able to finish the job by the date you want.

چاره ای برای کسی نگذاشتن - کسی را در عمل انجام شده قرار دادن
