follow the breadcrumbs

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is derived from the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel, ” in which the characters leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find their way back home. It is used metaphorically to mean following a series of clues or steps to find a solution or path.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این عبارت برگرفته از افسانه �هنسل و گرتل� است که در آن شخصیت ها دنباله ای از پودر سوخاری برای یافتن راه بازگشت به خانه استفاده می کنند.
استعاره /به معنای دنبال کردن یک سری نشانه ها یا مراحل برای یافتن راه حل یا مسیر است.
When investigating a crime, detectives often have to follow the breadcrumbs to uncover the truth.
In a discussion about problem - solving, someone might say, “If you’re feeling lost, try breaking down the problem into smaller parts and following the breadcrumbs. ”
A person giving advice might say, “When exploring a new city, follow the breadcrumbs of landmarks to navigate your way around. ”
