flatter to deceive

پیشنهاد کاربران

to seem better than it actually is
The phrase "flatter to deceive" means to appear to be better or more promising than it actually is, ultimately leading to disappointment or failure
It is often used in the context of sports, particularly football, to describe a team or player that appears to be performing well but ultimately fails to achieve success
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بهتر از آنچه هست به نظر رسیدن
به معنای بهتر یا امیدوارکننده تر از آنچه هست به نظر رسیدن و در نهایت منجر به ناامیدی یا شکست می شود.
اغلب در زمینه ورزش، به ویژه فوتبال، برای توصیف تیم یا بازیکنی استفاده می شود که به نظر می رسد عملکرد خوبی دارد اما در نهایت موفق نمی شود.
The FTSE - 100 flattered to deceive, as it broke through the 5000 barrier only to fall back again.
The company's impressive profits in the first quarter flattered to deceive, as they were unable to sustain that level of success.
The young athlete's early success flattered to deceive, as he struggled to maintain his performance in subsequent competitions.
The team's strong start to the season flattered to deceive, as they failed to make the playoffs.

منابع• https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/165331/how-to-understand-flatter-to-deceive• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/flatter-to-deceive
