fixed idea

فکریکه درذهن فرورفته وماندنی شده است، تعصب

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• idea that is firmly in place, clearly established notion, resolute notion

پیشنهاد کاربران

عقیده محکم
چیزی که تعصب شده و به راحتی عوض نمیشه
حرف اضافه هم about هست
1. "He has a fixed idea that the world is flat, despite all the scientific evidence to the contrary. "
2. "Her fixed idea about never trusting anyone makes it difficult for her to form close relationships. "
[مشاهده متن کامل]

3. "He's got this fixed idea in his head that he's not talented enough, even though everyone around him can see his potential. "

مشغلۀ ذهنی - فکر دائمی - وسواس - دغدغه
وسواس فکری
