financial future

پیشنهاد کاربران

آینده مالی
مثال :
Roast me
I did chicks, Feminism, and DMT. Can model by night and delivery driver by day. I've lived with my ex for 3yrs now and have no financial future
? What do you model? The"before" picture
[مشاهده متن کامل]

You could have just said "cam model" and posted your pic. The "no financial future" was implicit
Being featured on National Geographics "Wildebeests" does not qualify you as a cam model
یعنی با توجه به شغلم آینده شغلی ندارم ( درآمد خیلی پایینی دارم و آینده هم فرقی نخواهد داشت )
