fiddle the books

پیشنهاد کاربران

To “fiddle the books” means to deliberately manipulate or alter financial records in order to deceive others or hide illicit activities. It is commonly associated with fraudulent accounting practices.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دستکاری یا تغییر دادن عمدی سوابق مالی به منظور فریب دیگران یا پنهان کردن فعالیت های غیرقانونی، معمولاً با روش های حسابداری متقلبانه.
“The company was caught fiddling the books to inflate their profits. ”
In a conversation about white - collar crime, one might say, “Fiddling the books is a common tactic used to commit fraud. ”
An accountant discussing unethical practices might warn, “It’s important to have checks and balances in place to prevent employees from fiddling the books. ”

