female hysteria

پیشنهاد کاربران

A term used in the past to pathologize and dismiss women’s emotions, often attributing their feelings to a supposed medical condition. “Female hysteria” reflects the sexist belief that women’s emotions are irrational and invalid.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی که در گذشته برای آسیب شناسی و نادیده گرفتن احساسات زنان استفاده می شد و اغلب احساسات آنها را به یک وضعیت پزشکی فرضی نسبت می داد. "هیستری زنانه" منعکس کننده این باور جنسیتی است که احساسات زنان غیرمنطقی و نامعتبر است.
For example, a historian might say, “The concept of female hysteria was used to control and silence women throughout history. ”
In a discussion about mental health, someone might point out, “The diagnosis of female hysteria was a way to pathologize women’s normal emotional experiences. ”
A person critiquing gender stereotypes might argue, “The idea of female hysteria perpetuates the notion that women’s emotions are not to be taken seriously. ”
