
پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is a playful variation of “fresh” and is used to describe something new or exciting. In the context of a feature, “feesh” refers to a particularly impressive or innovative aspect of a product or service.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح یک نوع شوخ طبعانه از کلمه "fresh" است و برای توصیف چیز جدید یا هیجان انگیز استفاده می شود.
در زمینه یک ویژگی، "feesh" به جنبه ای خاص یا نوآورانه از یک محصول یا خدمات اشاره دارد.
“The new smartphone has some feesh features that set it apart from the competition. ”
A person discussing a software update might mention, “I can’t wait to try out the feesh additions to the photo editing tools. ”
In a conversation about a movie, someone might comment, “The special effects in that scene were absolutely feesh!”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-feature/
