feel left out

پیشنهاد کاربران

معنای دوستان:
✔️ احساس غریبی کردن
✔️ به بازی گرفته نشدن
✔️ تحویل گرفته نشدن
to feel that one is not included in something
👈🏿 He always ⭐feels left out⭐ when his friends talk about sports
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿 . . .
I remember my first day at primary school quite vividly. It was a beautiful sunny day in September, and I was five years old. I had just moved to a new town with my family, so everything was new and unfamiliar to me. My mom took me to the school, and I remember feeling a bit scared and nervous
We arrived early, and there were only a few other kids and their parents in the classroom. I sat down at a table with some toys, and my mom talked to the teacher. I remember ⭐feeling a bit left out⭐ because I didn’t know anyone there, but the toys kept me busy

به بازی گرفته نشدن
تحویل گرفته نشدن
هم feel funny
و هم
Feel left out
به معنی احساس غریبی کردن هستند
احساس غریبی کردن
