feel jumpy

پیشنهاد کاربران

"To feel jumpy" is an idiomatic expression that means to feel nervous, anxious, or on edge, often in anticipation of something unpleasant or unexpected. It's often used to describe a state of heightened alertness or irritability, where someone is easily startled or disturbed by minor stimuli.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

احساس عصبی بودن، مضطرب بودن یا از کوره در رفتن، اغلب در انتظار چیزی ناخوشایند یا غیر منتظره بودن.
After the break - in, she’s been feeling jumpy at every little noise.
A person might say, “I’m feeling jumpy after watching that scary movie. ”
Another might confess, “I’ve been feeling jumpy ever since I started hearing strange noises at night. ”
