feel at ease

پیشنهاد کاربران

✔️ احساس راحتی کردن
✔️ راحت بودن ( با کسی/جمعی و یا در مکانی )
👈🏿 Everyone was so friendly that I ⭐felt completely at ease
👈🏿 . . .
I remember my first day at primary school quite vividly. It was a beautiful sunny day in September, and I was five years old. I had just moved to a new town with my family, so everything was new and unfamiliar to me. My mom took me to the school, and I remember feeling a bit scared and nervous
[مشاهده متن کامل]

We arrived early, and there were only a few other kids and their parents in the classroom. I sat down at a table with some toys, and my mom talked to the teacher. I remember feeling a bit left out because I didn’t know anyone there, but the toys kept me busy
After a while, more kids started to arrive, and I started to make some new friends. We played together and talked about what we liked to do. The teacher introduced herself and showed us around the classroom. She seemed very nice, and I ⭐felt a bit more at ease

Feel comfortable and relaxed with somebody
راحت بودن با کسی
I feel more at ease with my older brother.
احساس صمیمیت و راحتی با کسی داشتن
