
پیشنهاد کاربران

This word is used to describe the act of adding features to something, such as a product or a piece of software. It implies that the addition of features enhances the value or functionality of the item.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

افزودن ویژگی به چیزی مانند یک محصول یا یک نرم افزار.
به این معنی است که افزودن ویژگی ها ارزش یا عملکرد چیزی را افزایش می دهد.
“The latest software update featified the app by adding a variety of new features. ”
“I’m going to featify this website by adding a user - friendly interface and additional customization options. ”
“The new version of this product featifies it with a range of innovative features that greatly improve the user experience. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-feature/
