fashion maven

پیشنهاد کاربران

A fashion maven is someone who has extensive knowledge and expertise in the world of fashion. They are often seen as trendsetters and are highly respected for their fashion sense.
کسی که دانش و تخصص گسترده ای در دنیای مد دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

آن ها اغلب به عنوان trendsetters دیده می شوند و به دلیل حس مدشان بسیار مورد احترام هستند.
For example, a fashion maven might be invited to give a talk on the latest fashion trends at a prestigious event.
In a fashion magazine, you might read an article titled “Tips from the Fashion Maven: How to Dress for Success. ”
When seeking fashion advice, someone might say, “I need to consult a fashion maven to help me update my wardrobe. ”

