face time


[کامپیوتر] زمان روبه رو شدن

پیشنهاد کاربران

ملاقات حضوری
دیدار حضوری
1. Have face time: to meet someone in person, usually for a business or personal purpose.
Example: I'm excited to have some face time with the new client next week.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2. Get face time: to make an effort to meet someone in person, especially when it's difficult to do so.
Example: It's important to get face time with potential investors if you want to close the deal.
3. Face time meeting: a meeting which takes place in person rather than virtually.
Example: The team scheduled a face time meeting to discuss the project progress and plan next steps.
4. Face time interview: a job interview that takes place in person rather than over the phone or video call.
Example: The hiring manager was impressed with the candidate during the face time interview.
5. Quality face time: meaningful interaction with someone in person that allows for deeper connections compared to virtual communication.
Example: After months of remote work, we all crave some quality face time with our coworkers and friends.

اتفاقاً پاسخ کاربر �وحید� کاملاً درسته.
ملاقات یا صحبت حضوری
time spent with someone in person
??? Do you think we could face time tomorrow
فردا میتونیم تصویری صحبت کنیم ؟؟؟؟
تماس ویدیویی گوشی های آیفون به همدیگه رو فیس تایم می گن، تماس ویدیویی، تماس تصویری
زمان روبرو شدن
1 - time that you spend at your job because you want other people, especially your manager, to see you there, whether or not you are actually doing good work:
Here we reward performance, not face time.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2 - time that you spend talking to someone when you are with them, rather than on the telephone
