eyeball to eyeball

(خودمانی) رودررو، در تماس مستقیم

پیشنهاد کاربران

رودر رو
The phrase "eyeball to eyeball" is an idiom that means to confront someone directly, often in a tense or confrontational situation. It implies a face - to - face encounter where both parties are looking directly at each other, often in a confrontational or competitive context
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است به معنای رویارویی مستقیم با کسی، اغلب در یک موقعیت تنش یا تقابل. این به معنای یک برخورد رو در رو است که در آن هر دو طرف مستقیماً به یکدیگر نگاه می کنند، اغلب در یک زمینه تقابلی یا رقابتی.
The two boxers stood eyeball to eyeball in the ring, ready to fight.
During the negotiations, the two sides were eyeball to eyeball, each trying to gain the upper hand.
The coach brought the team together and had them stand eyeball to eyeball, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and unity.

eyeball to eyeball
منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/eyeball-to-eyeball• https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/to-see-eye-to-eye
