explain something away

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Explain away" means to avoid blame for something that has happened by making it seem unimportant or not one's fault. It involves providing excuses or reasons to diminish the significance of a mistake, bad conduct, or a challenging situation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

explain something away به معنای اجتناب از سرزنش چیزی است که اتفاق افتاده، با بی اهمیت جلوه دادن آن یا نینداختن تقصیر بر گردن کسی. این شامل ارائه بهانه یا دلایلی برای کاهش اهمیت یک اشتباه، رفتار بد، یا یک موقعیت چالش برانگیز است.
Despite his absence during the critical meeting, he tried to explain away his lack of participation by citing an urgent personal matter.
The politician attempted to explain away the controversial remarks he made during the interview, but public scrutiny remained high.
She couldn't simply explain away her repeated tardiness at work; it was clear that a more serious discussion was needed.

explain something awayexplain something away
منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/explain-away• https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/explain-away
