exactly so

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• precisely thus, truly this way

پیشنهاد کاربران

just/exactly so
perfectly tidy and well arranged
The phrase "just/exactly so" is used to emphasize that something has to be done in a particular way, often with a connotation of precision or perfection. It is typically employed to express the need for things to be arranged or organized exactly as required.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کاملا تمیز و مرتب
عبارت برای تأکید بر این نکته است که کاری باید به روشی خاص انجام شود، اغلب با معنای دقت یا بی کاستی. معمولاً برای بیان نیاز به چیدمان یا سازماندهی چیزها دقیقاً همانطور که لازم است استفاده می شود.
He's a perfectionist - everything has to be just so.
I've never known anyone so neat. Everything in her closet is exactly so.
He likes things just so and can tell when someone else has been working at his desk.
I need to make sure everything is just so for Polly.
He insists on having everything exactly so and it drives her mad.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/just-exactly-so
