ethnographic study

پیشنهاد کاربران

An ethnographic study is a research method that involves immersing oneself in a particular culture or social group to gain a deep understanding of their beliefs, practices, and behaviors. Ethnographers often spend extended periods of time in the field, observing and participating in the community they are studying.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مطالعه قوم نگاری یک روش تحقیقی است که شامل پرداختن ژرف به یک فرهنگ یا گروه اجتماعی خاص برای به دست آوردن درک عمیق از باورها، اعمال و رفتارهای آنهاست. مردم نگاران غالباً مدت های طولانی را در این زمینه صرف می کنند و جامعه ای را که مطالعه می کنند مشاهده و در آن مشارکت می کنند.
For instance, an ethnographic study might involve living with a remote indigenous tribe to learn about their traditional practices and belief systems.
In a study of urban youth culture, an ethnographer might spend months observing and interacting with young people in their natural environments.
An ethnographic study could also involve conducting interviews and collecting artifacts to further understand a community’s culture.
