
کلمات اختصاری

عبارت کامل: Enterprise Resource Management
موضوع: تکنولوژی
مدیریت منابع سازمانی

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• business program that analyses information concerning a company's customers (in order to improve customer service and relations)
general name for a business management program (inventory counter, resource manager, account management, etc.)
worldwide organization that works to improve environmental quality and preservation of natural resources (with cooperation with various companies and industries)
method for protection of a stable exchange rate, part of a monetary organization of the eec that began working in 1999

پیشنهاد کاربران

"ام" یک حرف ندا است که برای نشان دادن تردید، عدم اطمینان، یا نیاز به مکث در حین صحبت استفاده می شود.
1. "Erm, I’m not sure if I can help with that. "
2. "Erm, let me think about it for a second. "
اوم ( حرف ندا )
کامپیوتر :
ERM : Entity Relationship Model
مدل رابطه نهاد ( برای طراحی پایگاه داده استفاده می شود )
​the sound that people make when they are deciding what to say next. Ox
