emotional distancing

پیشنهاد کاربران

Emotional distancing refers to the act of creating a psychological or emotional barrier between oneself and others. This can involve withdrawing emotionally from relationships or situations to protect oneself from potential pain or stress.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️فاصله عاطفی به عمل ایجاد یک سد روانی یا عاطفی بین خود و دیگران اشاره دارد. این می تواند شامل عقب نشینی عاطفی از روابط یا موقعیت ها برای محافظت از خود در برابر درد یا استرس احتمالی باشد.
Emotional Withdrawal
Emotional Detachment
Emotional Isolation
Distancing Oneself Emotionally
In relationships, one partner may use emotional distancing to avoid conflict, leading to misunderstandings.
Emotional distancing can sometimes help individuals cope with trauma, but it may also prevent them from healing.
Emotional distancing can be a temporary coping strategy during stressful times.
