embalming fluid

پیشنهاد کاربران

Embalming fluid is a slang term for cigarettes that have been dipped in PCP or a PCP - like substance. Smoking embalming fluid can produce hallucinations and a sense of detachment from reality. It is important to note that using embalming fluid can have serious health risks.
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اصطلاح عامیانه
سیگارهایی است که در PCP ( فن سیکلیدین داروی روان گردان و منفک کننده ) یا ماده ای شبیه PCP ترکیب شده اند.
این نوع سیگار می تواند توهم و احساس جدایی از واقعیت ایجاد کند.
He was smoking embalming fluid and acting completely out of control.
In a discussion about drug abuse, a person might warn, “Using embalming fluid can lead to addiction and other health problems. ”
A public health campaign might state, “Stay away from embalming fluid, it is a dangerous and potentially deadly drug. ”
