emanate from

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is used to describe something that comes or originates from a particular source or origin. It implies a sense of flow or emergence from that source.
توصیف چیزی که از منبع یا منشأ خاصی آمده یا سرچشمه می گیرد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دلالت بر احساس جریان یا ظهور از آن منبع دارد.
“The music emanates from the speakers. ” indicates that the sound is coming out or flowing from the speakers.
In a conversation about creativity, someone might say, “Great ideas often emanate from collaboration. ”
When discussing the influence of a historical figure, one might say, “His teachings emanated from ancient philosophies. ”
