elephant in the living room

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• elephant in the room, serious problem or disputable issue which is obviously present but is avoided and ignored because it is easier to do so or is convenient for other party

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "elephant in the living room" is a metaphor for a problem or issue that everyone is aware of but no one wants to address. It can refer to various situations, such as addiction, long - term care, or conflicts between individuals. In the context of mental health or substance use services, it might refer to the reluctance of individuals or families to discuss or address the need for residential care or support services due to stigma or other factors
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت "فیل در اتاق نشیمن" استعاره ای از یک مشکل یا موضوعی است که همه از آن آگاه هستند اما هیچکس نمی خواهد به آن بپردازد. می تواند به موقعیت های مختلفی مانند اعتیاد، مراقبت طولانی مدت یا درگیری بین افراد اشاره داشته باشد.
در زمینه سلامت روان یا خدمات مصرف مواد، ممکن است به عدم تمایل افراد یا خانواده ها به بحث یا رسیدگی به نیاز به مراقبت های اقامتی یا خدمات حمایتی به دلیل انگ یا عوامل دیگر اشاره داشته باشد.
The elephant in the living room was the fact that the patient's addiction had gone untreated for years, and now it was affecting their ability to function in daily life.
The family knew that their loved one needed long - term care, but the elephant in the living room was the cost and the guilt of potentially placing their family member in a residential setting.

منابع• https://theotherjournal.com/2011/10/the-elephant-among-other-things-in-the-living-room/• https://www.sweetwaternow.com/addiction-elephant-living-room/
