echo boomers

پیشنهاد کاربران

Also known as Millennials, Echo Boomers are the generation born between the early 1980s and mid - 1990s. The term “Echo Boomers” reflects the fact that this generation is the offspring or “echo” of the Baby Boomer generation.
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همچنین به عنوان Millennials شناخته می شود. Echo Boomers نسلی هستند که بین اوایل دهه 1980 و اواسط دهه 1990 متولد شدند. اصطلاح "اکو بومر" نشان دهنده این واقعیت است که این نسل فرزندان یا "پژواک" نسل Baby Boomer هستند.
Echo Boomers are known for their use of technology and desire for work - life balance.
A discussion about generational differences might include the statement, “Echo Boomers grew up in a time of rapid technological advancement. ”
A member of the Millennial generation might say, “I identify as an Echo Boomer, we’re reshaping the workplace with our values. ”
