eat itself alive

پیشنهاد کاربران

To destroy oneself through one's own actions or internal conflicts.
✍️ خود را از طریق اعمال یا درگیری های داخلی نابود کردن.
✍️✍️نماد خودنابودی است، اغلب به دلیل درگیری های داخلی، رفتارهای منفی، یا روش های ناپایدار
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Self - destruct: to destroy oneself.
Implode: to collapse inwardly.
Self - sabotage: to undermine oneself.
The company’s refusal to innovate caused it to eat itself alive in the competitive market.
His constant self - doubt and negative thinking made him eat himself alive emotionally.
The political party’s internal conflicts led it to eat itself alive, losing public support.
