
پیشنهاد کاربران

Earjack refers to the act of eavesdropping on someone else’s conversation without their knowledge or consent. It is a combination of the words “ear” and “hijacking”.
عمل استراق سمع ( کردن ) مکالمه شخص دیگری بدون اطلاع یا رضایت آنها.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این ترکیبی از دو کلمه "گوش/ear" و "رباییش/hijack" است.
“I couldn’t help but earjack the conversation happening at the table next to me. ”
A teenager might say, “I earjacked my parents’ conversation and found out they’re planning a surprise party for me!”
In a humorous context, someone might say, “I accidentally earjacked a couple’s argument at the grocery store. It was better than any reality TV show. ”
