
پیشنهاد کاربران

Did You Know
This acronym is used to share interesting or surprising facts with others. It is often used as a way to engage and educate the audience.
مخفف برای به اشتراک گذاشتن حقایق جالب یا شگفت انگیز با دیگران استفاده. اغلب به عنوان راهی برای تعامل و آموزش مخاطبان استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

می دونستی که
مثال ها؛
For instance, a post might begin, “DYK that the Eiffel Tower was originally meant to be a temporary structure?”
A user might share, “DYK that honey never spoils?”
Another might ask, “DYK that the average person spends about 2 hours on social media each day?”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-social-media-2/
