🔴A dying breed is a way of saying “you don’t find that kind of peoplemuch anymore”For example, In the US, Cowboys are a dying breed. There was a time when you could see “real” cowboys all over the American west. Now you seldom see many “real” cowboys ( people who make their living herding cows to market. )
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Another example seem to be in American politics, anyone willing to compromise for the betterment of the country, is a dying breed. ( everyone seems to be so party polarized that nothing ever gets done ) .
🔴If its specifically about a breed, ie a horse or dog breed, then it means that there aren’t enough new babies of that breed being born to replace the ones that die of old age. Eventually the gene pool will become so constricted that the breed will die out from excessive inbreeding.
If its a conversational setting, ie “people like him are a dying breed” Then it generally ( not always ) references something the first person admires, ie courage, kindness ect, and that finding someone like the person they are admiring is very difficult to find. It can of course be used negatively too “ Oh thank god people like him are a dying breed” Which would indicate the person spoken about and people like him aren’t leaving behind people who also believe or act in the same negative manner.
🔴a relatively rare type of person or thing People like them are a dying breed.
🔴A kind of person that is slowly disappearing.
‘the country's dying breed of elder statesmen’
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