duly noted

پیشنهاد کاربران

Duly noted is most often found in formal, professional settings. It is a quick way of acknowledging that an opinion or idea has been expressed and taken note of. When used informally, it can be meant sarcastically to signify the exact opposite and to say that you are dismissing the opinion
نکته را گرفتم.
این جمله دوتا معنی مختلف میده:
1 ) متوجه شدم اما در زمانی مناسب بهش رسیدگی میکنم.
مثال: “Duly noted, " the teacher said, trying to appease the students whose marks were missing.
2 ) حرفتو فهمیدم اما برام مهم نیست.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مثال: Her mother complained about her short miniskirts early in the morning. To do away with her, she responded with an eye roll and said, “duly noted, mum!”

به نحو مقتضی متذکر شد
دریافت شد. متوجه شدم
"Duly noted" is a phrase used to indicate that something has been heard and understood. It implies that something has been taken into consideration and that action might be taken based on what was said or expressed. It is often used as a polite way to acknowledge someone's input, suggestion or feedback in a conversation or meeting.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارتی است که برای نشان دادن شنیدن و فهمیدن چیزی به کار می رود. دلالت بر این دارد که چیزی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است و ممکن است بر اساس آنچه گفته شده یا بیان شده است اقدام شود. این اغلب به عنوان روشی مودبانه برای تأیید نظر، پیشنهاد یا بازخورد کسی در یک مکالمه یا جلسه استفاده می شود.
متوجه شدم.
Employee: "I think we should schedule the meeting in the morning, as everyone is usually available and fresh then. "
Manager: "Duly noted. I will take your suggestion into account and let you know about the final schedule soon. "

Duly noted means properly recorded or acknowledged. However, if used sarcastically, it can also mean the opposite.
