draw a line in the sand

پیشنهاد کاربران

خط و نشان کشیدن
اتمام حجت کردن
تعیین خط قرمز
⭐Draw a Line in the Sand⭐
Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict
⭐line in the sand⭐
a point beyond which one will not go; a limit to what one will do or accept
👈🏿"the banks drew a line in the sand : there was to be no additional help"
[مشاهده متن کامل]

⭐draw a line in the sand⭐
To establish a figurative boundary that someone or some group refuses to cross or beyond which no further advance or compromise is accepted
👈🏿I don't mind my roommate being a bit messy, but leaving dirty dishes for me to clean up is where I draw a line in the sand!
⭐draw a line in the sand⭐
Fig. to create or declare an artificial boundary and imply that crossing it will cause trouble
👈🏿Todd drew a line in the sand by giving his roommate an ultimatum about his sloppiness—he had to start cleaning up after himself or move out
⭐draw a line in the sand⭐
set a limit that you refuse to allow something to go beyond
👈🏿The government is trying to draw a line in the sand regarding public sector pay rises

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