drag away

پیشنهاد کاربران

کسی را از جایی دور کردن
مثلا با دوستی بیرون هستید و او قصد خرید چیز غیرمهمی دارد که نمی گذارید و او را از آنجا می کشید بیرون
کنار کشیدن، دور کردن
to make someone leave a place or stop doing what they are doing so that they can go somewhere else or do something else: I'm ready to go home now, but I don't want to drag you away if you're enjoying yourself
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Cambridge Dictionary@
drag ( someone or something ) away
1. To move something away from something else by pulling it while it is on the ground.
When I dragged my bed away from the wall, I found a piece of paper I'd dropped back there months ago.
2. To forcibly pull someone away from something or some place that they are clinging to because they do not want to leave it. This usage can be literal or hyperbolic.
The police had to drag the criminal away from the scene of the crime.
Good luck dragging your brother away from his favorite cartoon to do his homework.
You couldn't drag me away from gardening—I find it so therapeutic!
E. g. She watched helplessly as her husband was dragged away
Oxford Dictionary@
