downtown gang

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is used to refer to CIA agents who work undercover in urban areas. The term “downtown gang” suggests a group of covert operatives working in cities.
ماموران سیا که به صورت مخفیانه در مناطق شهری کار می کنند.
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اصطلاح "downtown gang" گروهی از عوامل مخفی را نشان می دهد که در شهرها کار می کنند.
For example, in a spy novel, a character might say, “Watch out for the downtown gang. They’re CIA agents. ”
In a discussion about intelligence agencies, someone might mention, “The CIA’s downtown gang is known for their urban espionage tactics. ”
A conspiracy theorist might claim, “The downtown gang is responsible for covert operations in major cities around the world. ”

