double nickel

پیشنهاد کاربران

The term “double nickel” refers to the speed limit of 55 mph. It is often used by truckers to refer to the maximum speed they are legally allowed to travel on certain roads.
محدودیت سرعت 55 مایل در ساعت.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب توسط کامیون داران برای اشاره به حداکثر سرعتی که قانوناً مجاز به سفر در جاده های خاص هستند استفاده می شود.
I have to keep it at the double nickel until I reach the state line.
Another driver might comment, “It’s frustrating having to drive the double nickel when everyone else is going faster. ”
A trucker might caution, “Be careful not to go over the double nickel, the cops are strict around here. ”
