double edged

(شمشیر و غیره) دو دم، دو تیغه، دولبه، دو پهلو (قابل به کار بردن برله یا علیه چیزی)، کنایه آمیز، رندانه، (بدرد دو کار خور) دو کاره، دو هدفی، دوگانه، دو منظوره

جمله های نمونه

1. a double-edged sword
شمشیر دو دم

2. fighter-bombers have double-edged missions
جنگنده های بمب افکن ماموریت دومنظوره دارند.

3. she made double-edged remarks about my cooking
او درباره ی آشپزی من حرف های دوپهلویی زد.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• a comment that is double-edged has two meanings which can both apply to what has been said, but mean the opposite of each other.
a double-edged blade has two sharp edges.
if you say that something is a double-edged sword, you mean that although it seems to give a lot of benefits, there are also some disadvantages to it.

پیشنهاد کاربران

His comment was a double - edged sword, as it both praised and criticized her work.
The company's decision to expand its product line was a double - edged strategy; it could attract new customers but also dilute their brand identity. "
دارای ایهام - دو معنی و مفهوم
دو پهلو . دوجانبه .
با یه تیر دو نشون
دو لبه
