double down

پیشنهاد کاربران

double down on something
توان مضاعفی را صرف کاری کردن
اصرار و پافشاری. مثال:هر چی نصیحتش کردم گوش نداد و اشتباهش را تکرار "double down" کرد.
پذیرفتن ریسک بیشتر برای دو برابر کردن نتیجه .
ریشه : در بازی ورق بنام backjack یا همون ۲۱
strengthen one's commitment to a particular strategy or course of action, typically one that is potentially risky.
شدت عمل بیشتر نشون دادن. لج کردن. بر موضع خود بیشتر پافشاری کردن. البته لزوما همیشه معنی لج کردن رو نمیده. مثلا چون احساس میکنه به اندازه کافی راه حلش ( یا واکنشش ) کارگشا نبوده، شدتش رو بیشتر میکنه.
ریسک مظاعف
زدن به سیم آخر
- دو چندان کردن
- مضاعف کردن
- تشدید کردن
- بیشتر ریسک کردن to take a further risk
• to engage in a risky behavior, especially when one is already in a dangerous situation
Big tech companies have recently vowed to double down on secrecy.

phrasal verb of double
( in blackjack ) double a bet after seeing one's initial cards, with the requirement that one additional card be drawn.
"the amount only increases when you choose to split or double down"
[مشاهده متن کامل]

strengthen one's commitment to a particular strategy or course of action, typically one that is potentially risky.
"he decided to double down and escalate the war"
Oxford Dictionary
( double down ( on sth
phrasal verb with double
to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before:
Expect to see Fox double down on its marketing efforts to give the movie a big boost.
Instead of learning from his mistakes, he's doubling down.
More examples
We're doubling down; we're going to keep on going because we've committed too much to stop.
Why double down on these disastrous policies?
Development agencies should double down on efforts to encourage saving and investments in small businesses
Cambridge Dictionary
1: to double the original bid in blackjack in exchange for only one more card
2: to become more tenacious, zealous, or resolute in a position or undertaking
the administration needs to double down on the call for political reform
Washington Post
DictionaryMerriam - Webster

اصرار کردن ، پافشاری کردن
1 - به خطر انداختن
2 - تشدید کردن
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١١)
