"Don't put on airs with someone" means to avoid behaving in a pretentious or arrogant manner, especially pretending to be more important or sophisticated than one truly is. ✍️ پرهیز کردن از رفتار به شیوه ای متظاهرانه یا متکبرانه، به ویژه اینکه وانمود کنید از آنچه که هستید مهم تر یا بافرهنگ تر هستید. ... [مشاهده متن کامل]
✍️✍️قیافه و ژست گرفتن برای کسی 👈مترادف: Act superior, show off, be pretentious 👇مثال؛ When you meet his friends, don't put on airs; just be yourself. She tends to put on airs when she's around wealthy people, which can be off - putting.